Анастасия Корото

Art & Design
Programme Leader Interior Architecture & Design. Senior Lecturer, Interior Architecture & Design

Professional biography

Currently holds a position of an Acting Programme Leader;

Teaching experience: joined BHSAD in 2015 as a Foundation PT Lecturer. In 2016 she was appointed as IAD Pathway Leader on Foundation and later in 2018 undertaken a position on BA IAD as a Module Leader;

From 2016-2017 held the position of a Programme Leader on Orientation in Art and Design part time course, UAL, Moscow.

Recent projects

SOLxMagnet bar, Moscow, 2019;

Ogurzi (Cucumbers) beauty salon, Moscow, 2019;

Research / professional practice interests

Public Interior Design;

Residential Interior Design.

Academic qualifications

PG Cert Teaching in HE (University of The Arts London, Center for Learning and Teaching in Art and Design, CLTAD, 2013);

Graduate Diploma Interior Design (UAL, Chelsea College of Art and Design, 2010);

Master degree in Architecture (MARCHI, Moscow, 2007).

Professional qualifications / accreditation

Current member of Russia Designers Association.

Контакты образовательных партнёров
Британская высшая школа дизайна
Московская школа кино
Архитектурная школа МАРШ
Московская школа музыки
Moscow School of Contemporary Art
Школа разработки видеоигр Scream School